Reelfoot Packing Plant Redevelopment Plan

Union City, Tennessee




14.11 Acres




EPA Brownfields Grant



The City of Union City, TN received an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Brownfields Assessment Grant in 2015 to assess the former Reelfoot Packing Plant. The grant was to address four key areas - environmental liability concerns, financial barriers, cleanup considerations and reuse planning, which begins to reimagine ways that this once productive site could again contribute to Union City and the region. Farmer | Morgan, LLC was chosen to lead the design and community visioning component of the project and created various development scenarios for the 14.11-acre property. A series of community design workshops were held in downtown Union City that served as an opportunity for residents and stakeholders to participate in the redevelopment planning of the historic site. The final outcome addressed four potential development scenarios that would integrate the site back into the community and the public and private investment opportunities available for implementation. The plan serves as a guide for development efforts in relation to economic development opportunities and marketing the site to potential investors.

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