MS Hwy 182 Corridor Redevelopment Plan

Starkville, Mississippi




1.4 miles



The Highway 182 Corridor Plan is the culmination of a team-led effort to analyze the existing conditions along a 1.4-mile segment of the MS 182 corridor in Starkville, Mississippi in order to achieve the vision of the community and to begin to cultivate its unique identity. The Farmer | Morgan design team examined the historical, cultural, physical, economic, and environmental conditions of the corridor, and then applied sound planning principles in order to achieve this vision. A retail market analysis was conducted to identify marketability and potential retail activity of the corridor. The team also analyzed environmental impact and recommended green infrastructure strategies to begin to address drainage problems along the corridor. The team concluded that the corridor could regain its identity by functioning as both an economic driver and an environmental system. The plan gives private and public implementation recommendations and offers numerous development scenarios for investment to help it become a functioning part of the community again.

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